StratSketch Update 2.8
By Heath on Friday, May 15, 2015
The latest update for StratSketch provides a major useful feature that allows it to scale to screen sizes. This means you will no longer have a small map on a large screen, instead you will see it in nearly fullscreen! A new tool, the shape tool has been added, which allows you to create polygonal shapes and regions.
- Added scaling to make application (nearly) fullscreen on larger monitors.
- Added Overlord map.
- Added the shape tool for creating shaded regions.
- Move chat to the sidebar to allow for a larger map interface.
- Many bug fixes and enhancements. This update brings a new coordinate system to allow for scaling across devices. All maps must be converted to this new format, and will be automatically. Certain items such as text and icons may not be in their exact positions or sizes, and may need to be moved.
If you have any suggestions or comments, check out the StratSketch thread on the World of Tanks forums. Enjoy!